Association of systemic medication use with glaucoma and intraocular pressure: the E3 Consortium.
Vergroesen JE, Schuster AK, Stuart KV, Asefa NG, Cougnard-Gregoire A, Delcourt C, Schweitzer C, Barreto P, Coimbra R, Foster PJ, Luben RN, Pfeiffer N, Stingl JV, Kirsten T, Rauscher FG, Wirkner K, Jansonius NM, Arnould L, Creuzot-Garcher CP, Stricker BH, Keskini C, Topouzis F, Bertelsen G, Eggen AE, Bikbov MM, Jonas JB, Klaver CCW, Ramdas WD, Khawaja AP, and European Eye Epidemiology (E3) Consortium European Eye Epidemiology (E3) Consortium
Ophthalmology. May 2023
(DOI : 10.1016/j.ophtha.2023.05.001)